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Workplace Solutions

People Empowering Legal Excellence

GBS is a leading consulting and training firm in Workforce Solutions which includes but isn't limited to: labour law, strategic HR consulting, industrial relations, labour relations, B-BBEE, and employment equity (EE). Our employees are all absolute experts in their fields, therefore we can help your organisation navigate the following law:


  • Labour Relations Act (LRA)

  • Employment Equity Act (EEA)

  • Skills Development Act / Levies Act (SDA)

  • Basic Conditions of Employment Act (BCEA)

  • Unemployment Insurance Fund Act (UIFA)

  • Compensation for Occupational Injuries & Diseases Act (COIDA)

  • Occupational Health & Safety Act

  • BBBEE Act & Codes

  • Protection of Personal Information Act (POPI) / Promotion of Access to Information Act (PAIA)

  • Cybercrimes Act

  • Promotion of Equality & Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act (PEPUDA)

Levels of Sevice

We provide consulting, training, collaboration, and coaching on CORE, INTERMEDIATE and ADVANCED levels.

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