Updated Automotive Production and Development Programme
The Impact Of The Proposed PEPUDA Amendments On The Implementation Of The Employment Equity Act
How To Investigate And Prepare For A Disciplinary Enquiry
You Can Take Action If Employees Let Social Media Usage Take Precedence Over Their Work
What Is Equal Pay and Equal Treatment?
How will Employers be Affected by the Increase in the National Minimum Wage?
Update On The Employment Equity Amendment Bill
The Definition of ‘Short Time’?
Differences in Pay Do Not Always Amount to Unfair Discrimination
The Labour Appeal Court on Cost
Suspension Prior to a Disciplinary Enquiry is Not Always Punitive
Dress code is a potential contentious issue
Double Trade Union Deductions
How does COIDA Affect your Business?
When a Dismissal Related to Unprotected Strikes is Fair
Fixed-Term Contract Renewals for Managers
Retirement age and the burden of proof
Employment Contracts Drafted by HR: Will They Stand Up in Court?
Disciplinary Action Needs to Happen Quickly
Different Rates of Pay for the Same Job Are Sometimes Okay